Fishing Report
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We have been fly fishing
the Sacramento River in Redding, and the fishing is great. We will stay on the Sac until July when we start our spring run
salmon season here on the Trinity. Looks like our limits this year will be 1 adult salmon and 1 jack (under 22"). Steve
The Trinity is fishing great
this season, with plenty of rain more steelhead just keep moving through. Fish are being caught from Junction City to Lewiston
on the normal winter paterns (stones and eggs). As it looks today the Trinity is the only river in our area not blown out. Ive got a few days the week of Jan 18 open here on the Trinity, after that I plan on being on the Eel or other coastal river
until mid Feb. Then back to the Trinity until March or until we dont catch fresh fish.
Good Fishing Steve
November 14,2015
The Trinity river
is fishing well even with the normal November crowds. We are hooking between 5 to 15 steelhead per day fly fishing. The flows
are still quite low (350 cfs in Junction City) and visability is gin clear. Most of our fish have come on eggs, stones and
small mayfly's in the afternoon. We have open days in December and January, if you want to go fish give us a call,
email, or text. (530) 524-1136. Good Fishing Steve
The higher flows have brought
us some fish! After a slow summer good numbers of King Salmon are showing in the upper river, and with the cooler water they
are eating. Days open for salmon are Sept 3, 4, 6. After that I am booked for the fall salmon trips, but I do have some other
guides that have a few days open. As for Steelhead fishing this fall I have 2 days open in October 17, 22. Otherwise
its the second week in December until I have any other open days. Good fishing Steve
8/1/2015 Spring salmon fishing has been slow here
on the Trinity. Last week our average was 1 King salmon in the boat per day with a few bonus wild Steelhead. The
river flows are going to increase on the 15th of August for a tribal event. As I understand they will not drop back down to
450 cfs our normal summer flow but stay up around 1000 cfs to prevent a fish kill. This increase should send our
fall fish up river a little sooner this year, so early September could be some great fishing. Good Fishing Steve
Steelhaed season is about
over for us here on the Trinity River this season. Next up for us is trout fishing on the lower Sac in Redding, and spring
run King Salmon in June and July here on the Trinity. We have dates open for both at this time. Call or email to get
your dates. Steve
The Steelhead fishing
on the Trinity River has been great this fall. Lots of rain has blown out the river several times, each time bringing new
fish into the system. The last few days we have only landed wild steelhead as our "winter wild run fish" are showing
up. In January 2015 we will be fishing for these big wild fish here on the Trinity. In Febuary 2015 we will be fishing
the Eel River for even bigger winter run steelhead. We have open dates to fish both rivers. See you on the water Steve If your looking for pictures go to:!/StevesTrinityGuideService
9/24/2014 The fall salmon have arrived to the
upper river, fall steelhead are just behind them. Days open in my boat this fall are: Sept 30, October 7, December 15,17,18,23,29,30,31
Good fishing Steve
Greetings fishermen, Sorry for the lack of reports, we have been busy here on the Trinity. The Spring run King Salmon started off great
with limits of chromers around july 1. As the hot days of July and early August passed the fishing slowed as the river temps
increased. We caught fish on every trip except one, so I wont complain too much, but it was slow. The weir counts have been
less than 50 fish per week after the first couple weeks. So now we are in kind of a limbo between the spring and fall
runs. Water temps have been a major issue this year as our water controllers say they will not release emergency water
to cool the river until AFTER their is a fish kill due to high water temps. Of course by then it will be too late to help
the fish. So, will we have a fall run of King Salmon? As of September 1, limits on kings will be one salmon per angler
per day. I will fish for kings (if they make it here) until mid October, after that we will be only fishing for steelhead
through the end of season in March of 2015. I only have a few days open this fall in my boat. Open days in September
are: 16,17,18,29,30 Open days in October are: 1,2,4,5,7,8,10,15,16,18,19 Open days in November are: 13,14,29,30 Open days in December are: 6, 8,15 thru 31 We do use other guides when things get busy or on multiple boat trips. If
your day is not open on my calendar let me know and I can try one of our other guides. Good fishing! Steve
6/14/2014 Happy Fathers Day I will
be fishing with Dad on fathers day. Hope all you dads can get out and wet a line also. After talking to lots of fishermen,
it seems most think the drought is effecting this seasons flows and King Salmon fishing. It's NOT. Next year we may have
changes if we have another dry winter. The Trinity river will have normal summer flows this season. The release from
Lewiston Dam will be 450 cfs ALL summer. The same flow as the last 10 years or more. We are getting good reports
of Spring run salmon moving up into the Hoopa reservation. Things are looking good for Salmon fishing here on the Trinity
this season. I have prime dates open in July and August. Give us a call or email and lets go fishing!
you on the river!

Trinity River spring run King Salmon fishing will start in Mid to late June this season as the flows will
be down to normal summer flows (450 cfs). Late June through the end of July have been the best dates historically. Limits
are 2 king Salmon, and 2 hatchery steelhead per angler per day. A salmon report card and Steelhead report card are
required to fish here on the Trinity.
See you on the river! Steve
We have Rain!! and Fish!
Even before the rain the Trinity River was fishing good, but the last few days have been epic! Fishing pressure
is low, the fish are moving and eating just about everything we put in front of them. It looks like we are finally in a more
normal steelhead weather pattern for the next week or so. We have open days, and plan on fishing through March. Good
fishing! Steve

1/11/2014 Happy New Year!
The Trinity river has been fishing good with a couple really good days thrown in. The conditions have been tough with
low clear water, but most days fly fishing we have hooked 5 - 8 Steelhead and a Brown Trout or two, per day. With about a
50% mix of wild vs hatchery Steelhead. Yesterday we fished bait for the first time in months and landed 9 adults to 32". Thats
an awsome day Steelheading any where! We are getting some big fish this season, that over 30" Steelhead
is quite possible on every drift. Today its raining, just what the entire north state needs. Lets hope its enough rain to
get some runoff into the river. Either way it will help the fishing. We have open days, and now is the time. More pictures
of big fish are sure to come. Good fishing! Steve

The brotherhood of river
guides lost a great man this week. Gabe Duran passed in his sleep wednesday night. If you have fished the Trinity with
me or any other guide you would know of him. Most of the guides are still in shock from the news, everyone loved Gabe. He
was a great person and a great guide, you will be missed my friend!

Here on the Trinity River
we are having freezing temps with lows in the single digits. We did get about 6" of dry snow last friday making for a
cold day. It was my first day this season with ice in the guides ALL day. Unfortunately the snow has not changed
the level or color of the river. The river still needs a bump in the flows to move some fish around. Overall fishing is tough,
we have been catching a few but the ice makes it really hard to get good drifts, or cast for that matter. Most of the fish
that are here seem to be in lockdown mode in the deeper salmon holes. Lets hope we get some rain soon. December is now
full in my boat, I have openings in January. Good fishing Steve

The Trinity got some much needed rain last week that produced some great fishing. My boat and many other
guides had 20 fish days just after the rain. It was great seeing big schools of Coho and Steelhead moving up the river. Since
the rain fishing is returning to the low clear conditions that make fishing tough, although we are catching some fish just
not as many as last week. Morning temps have been in the mid 20's making casting very tough with ice in the guides, but
we are steelheaders, and thats what its all about. Im taking a few days off and doing the rain dance. We will be back
on the river in December, and we have open days to fish. Happy Thanksgiving Steve
11/18/2013 The Trinity river has been low
and clear making fishing tough. We didn't see the big push of fall run Kings or Steelhead that was predicted. Are
they still out there? Who knows. We do have up to 1.5"s of rain in todays forecast, lets hope that prediction is
correct, we really need it. If we get this rain it will get the fish moving up river in good numbers. So our winter steelheading
could be great real soon. We have open days in December and into the new year. Good fishing Steve
Salmon fishing has ended
for us here on the Trinity this season. We are now fishing for steelhead mostly with fly gear with good results. The huge
run of fall steelhead and salmon never really made it into the upper river in the numbers that were predicted. They may show
up any time, or not at all. Im sure if we were to get some weather more fish would move up into our stretch of river. My
next open days are in December if you want to go fishing. Steve
Salmon fishing here on the
Trinity is really slow. The last few trips have been only one or two bites a day at first light. The water temps are in the
high 60's here in junction City and the fish have just stopped moving. The fish that are here just are not bitting. I
have rescheduled my trips for the next week and will post a report when conditions change. Steve
Last week Salmon fishing
was great here on the Trinity, this week fishing has slowed down. The river is low and clear, the few fish that are around
are real spooky and hard to catch. The last 2 days we boated 2 kings each day, today we only boated 1 wild steelhead, about
5 lbs. I guess we will just have to see what tomorrow brings. Good fishing Steve
7/3/2013 Trinity River King Salmon are here!
Our first King of the season came on the 15th of june. Since then it had been one here and one there with a steelhead or two
each day. Monday was my first offical day and my clients boated 3 kings. We saw quite a few fish that day, most
of them had it in high gear moving up river fast. King Salmon fishing here on the Trinity River should be great for the next
60 days, hope to see you. We have a couple open days in my boat july 26, 29, 30. And we have other guides available. Fish on Steve

4/1/2013 Due to the lack of rain the Trinity River has fished fantastic in the last three weeks. We have caught fresh
Steelhead, Brown Trout, and a few down runners on nymphs and dry’s every day. My best day in the last three weeks was
9 landed for 16 hooked by a single fly fisherman, which was his best day ever. The Caddis and March Browns are hatching like
crazy all up and down the river giving us plenty of opportunities at big fish on dries. The Trinity River Guides Association and The Shasta Trinity Fly Fishers had the
opportunity to help out on a group trip with Project Healing Waters a fly fishing organization for disabled veterans. We had
a good turnout of both guides and vets; the day was great fun as all the vets got into fish. It was a great chance for the
guides to show their appreciation to the veterans for their service to our country. You can check them out at . Today is opening
day for the Fly only waters up in Lewiston, but honestly great fishing can be had on any stretch of the upper river with these
hatches we have had. Spring high flows will
start in a couple weeks which will keep us off the river for a while. When the flow schedule is made public I will know when
it’s safe to get back out there. Until then we will be fly fishing the lower Sac in Redding and preparing for spring
run Salmon. As for Salmon fishing the predictions are we will have another great return of Kings this year. If you’re
planning on Salmon fishing with us this year get your dates booked as we are filling up fast. Fish On! Steve

3/8/2013 The last couple
weeks have been good fishing for us here on the Trinity, even though the weather has been dry. We have been catching as many
Browns as Steelhead in both the upper river and here in Junction City. With the March Brown hatch in the upper river we have
even taken a few adults and Browns on Dry’s. We are seeing plenty of “downrunners” making
their way back to the ocean, which is a sign that the season is almost over. But I know there are still
more big winter run Steelhead that have not shown up, so this year we may have a few more weeks of good fishing. Steve
The Trinity River is fishing
great, we have caught fresh steelies everyday. All my trips have been with fly gear, most all the fish have been natives.
We are catching some big fish up to and over 30 inches, most being in the 25 to 27 inch range. Other boat traffic has been
minimal as some guides are fishing coastal rivers or other stretches of the Trinity. We have open days to fish next week. Steve
1/27/2013 After weeks of
clear freezing days we finally have gotten some rain and color to the water. Before yesterday we were getting 1 to 6 fish
a day, yesterday in high muddy water we hooked 7 with a single fisherman, all fresh wild fish. The next week should be great
fishing as the water drops and clears. If you want to catch winter run wild steelhead now is the time. We have open dates
to fish. Fish on! Steve
12/19/2012 The Trinity has been frigid cold, but the fish are eating. A big
storm hit last weekend fouling up the highway, our guys made it through and we had it to ourselves for three days. It was
just like old times, just Mike’s boat and mine, but with more fish. Some of the big winter wild fish are starting to
show up and the guides that are still here have pretty much spread out. So the next couple months should be great fishing.
We have openings in January and February to chase these hogs. Merry Christmas and a safe and happy new year! Steve
The Trinity blew out on
Thursday evening just as we took off the river. Saturday night another huge storm dumped even more rain. So the river at Junction
City is still high and muddy today. But looking at the graph the upper river (lewiston) is in shape as of now. We
should be back out on the river here, by this weekend. And the forecast looks good for the next week. Fish On! Steve

Steelhead fishing here
on the Trinity River has slowed down a little. Were still catching fish everyday, just not as many as a couple weeks ago.
Some of the fish were catching have been in the 28 - 30 " range about 9 to 10 lbs, really great fish. The egg bite is
slowing for us as the King Salmon are about finished, most of our fish have come on stones or mayfly paterns. 12" of
rain is expected in the next storm this week, if we get that much the river will blow out. After this storm there will
be new fish moving in our stretch of river for next week. Thus the cycle of winter steelhead fishing. Fish on! Steve
Steelhead fishing here
on the Trinity River is great. Most days we fight over 10 adults and some days over 20. There are still a few dark salmon
around both Kings and Coho, but they are almost finished. We have open days in December and January. Fish on Steve

Sorry again for the lack
in reports, Ive been a busy guy. September was great salmon fishing with most days over 10 fish landed. As October started
the challenge was catching fresh Kings rather than the Springers that were ready to spawn, but a steady stream of fall fish
just kept moving through. The big run of fall Salmon just keep coming, with lots of Steelhead in the mix. Yesterday I
saw hundreds of Salmon moving up river through thin gravel bars mid day. After having the river to myself all summer
fishing for Salmon, Steelhead season is upon us. I did my last Salmon trip this week and will focus on fly fishing for Steelhead
thru March 2013. So far on our fly trips we have caught some nice Steelies , some Kings and a couple Coho. The
egg bite has been great, with a few caught on nymphs. I have a couple days open in November 19, 20 and the 26. And about
10 days in dec. We also have other guides available for other dates. Good Fishing ! Steve

The salmon fishing here on
the Trinity river is going great. We had the river blow out tuesday due to restoration work, so we only got half our float
with fishable water. But yesterday the water was back to its normal gin clear and the bite was on. We ended up with the first
8 fish limit for 2 anglers of the season for my boat. As it looks now, and as predicted its only going to get better
in the next couple weeks. Reports from the mouth of the Klamath are, "its silly with fish", the Yurok tribe reported
catching 8 thousand fish in one day last week. Days open in my boat are sept 10,11,13 and, I had a cancellation in my boat
for Sept 24,25 these will be great days to fish, and they wont last long. Fish On! Steve

We have been back out
on the Trinity River with great results, every trip in the last week has been limits for our guest. We are seeing the springers
turning dark, but we are also catching a few fresh fall fish too. The increase in flows have made the water temps much cooler,
and the fish are bitting and seem to be fighting harder than normal. Big fish for my boat is now 24 lbs. On September 1st
the limits go to 4 salmon per angler per day. Im not really excited about just going out and killing 8 fish every day, I hope
I can convince my anglers to be selective about the fish they harvest. I would rather send them home with quality rather
than quanity. Lets just hope we can get limits of nice fresh ones. We have open dates in September and early October
if you want to get in some fall salmon fishing. Fish On ! Steve

The Salmon fishing has slowed
for us here on the Trinity River. We went from limits to one or two fish a day in the last week. So Im going to take a week
off, recharge my batteries and get ready for the fall run. Next week there will be increased flows to prevent a fish kill
in the lower Trinity and Klamath Rivers. The increase will help the fall fish move up river much faster, so we should see
fish in just a couple weeks. Our fall trips are filling up fast for both Salmon and Steelhead fishing. Steve

The Trinity River King
Salmon fishing is going great. Most days we are getting limits of brite Kings in the 10 - 15 lb range. Big fish in my boat
is just 20 lbs so far , im sure that will go up soon. Also we are averaging one wild Steelhead and a few Browns a day. The flows will go up in mid August to help prevent a fish kill in the lower Klamath River. The higher flows will be a
great help to get those fish into the upper river sooner and they should be fresher. Will the fishing
remain good through August and early September ? We will have to wait and see, but its looking like it will. We have
openings in August and September for King Salmon fishing. Fish On ! Steve

The Trinity River King
Salmon fishing is going great. If your fishing with us in the next couple weeks be sure to bring your ice chest. The fish
have been chrome brite most around 10lbs but a few in the high teens, nothing over 20 yet for my boat, but as the flows drop
we should start landing some of those big ones. During the high flows we had the river to ourselves, but as it has dropped
below 1000 cfs we are seeing more and more boats and bank fishermen. The other good news is the "flat"
fire at Del Loma is under control and most of the fire folks have gone to other fires. Fish On !